Binh Dinh: Strengthening solutions for fisheries development (28-08-2017)

Over the past time, authorities of Binh Dinh provice have implemented many measures to develop the fisheries towards sustainable and environmental protection. As a result, fishing and aquaculture activities have seen positive changes. In the first 6 months of 2017, value of fishery production reached VND 3,971 billion, up 6.1 per cent over the same period last year.
Binh Dinh: Strengthening solutions for fisheries development

Fishermen also invested in building high capacity fishing vessels with modern equipment for fishing operations. Up to now, the province has 3,187 vessels with a capacity of over 90 hp, which regularly go on fishing in offshore waters, bringing 99,535 tons of all kinds of fish in the first half of 2017, up 4.5 per cent from the same period of 2016, of which tuna production reached 6,900 tons, an increase of 43 per cent.

Aquaculture activities were also invested in the direction of disease-free and effectiveness. Infrastructure in many shrimp farming areas were invested while developing biosafety models of shrimp culture, strengthening disease control and management. In the first crop of 2017, the province has 850 hectares of water surface for fresh water fish and nearly 1,700 hectares of shrimp farming surface in the direction of intensive, semi-intensive and extensive farming, bringing output of 1,248 tons of shrimp and 80 tons of fish, an increase of 33 per cent over the same period in 2016.

By 2020, the province aims to enhance the added-value products and develop the fishery towards ecological sustainability, ensuring safety and effectiveness. With regards to the fishing activities, the province advocates the modernization of the fleet, gradually reducing the number of small-capacity fishing vessels, modernization of fishing equipment and improving safety onboard in fishing activities. Moreover, the province also promotes the application of scientific and technological advances in the capturing, processing and preservation of products, especially focusing on improving the quality of ocean tuna products. By 2020, tuna production would reach 11,000 tons per year, reducing product losses to less than 10 per cent.

For aquaculture sector, the province is planning to accelerate the planning of hi-tech shrimp farming areas, encouraging organizations and individuals to invest in production and processing associated with environmental protection, striving to ensure the total area of ​​white leg shrimp farming of about 760 hectares, including 100 hectares of hi-tech shrimp farming.

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