Minister Le Minh Hoan's meeting with the Fisheries Information Center on the implementation of fishing vessel monitoring (08-07-2024)

Hanoi, July 6 - Minister of Agriculture and Rural development Le Minh Hoan conducted a working session with the Fisheries Information Center (Department of Fisheries) to discuss several issues regarding the implementation of fishing vessel monitoring at the central level.
Minister Le Minh Hoan's meeting with the Fisheries Information Center on the implementation of fishing vessel monitoring

Attending the meeting were Director of the Department of Fisheries Mr. Tran Dinh Luan, Head of the Fisheries Exploitation Department Mr. Vu Duyen Hai, and representatives from related units. During the meeting, Mr. Ha Le, Director of the Fisheries Information Center, presented an overview of the VMS monitoring system at the center, the process of tracking, and handling fishing vessels that have lost VMS connection. The center operates a 24/7 monitoring system to detect and follow up on such incidents. He also provided information on handling violations related to fishing vessels losing connection in different localities, as well as the management, installation, and quality control of VMS equipment by suppliers.

Additionally, Mr. Vu Duyen Hai reported on the implementation of guidelines and training on the use of electronic traceability software for fisheries at localities, the border guard, fish port management boards, businesses, and fishermen. He noted that these entities have been integrated into the closed process from the initial departure procedures, exploitation, port entry, landing, and fish unloading at the port, to the procedures for confirming the entry of raw materials by enterprises for export processing. Despite this progress, several challenges have been encountered, which the Department of Fisheries has been actively addressing in collaboration with localities and software consulting units.

Minister Le Minh Hoan highly appreciated the efforts of the Fisheries Information Center in advising on the management and operation of the fishing vessel monitoring system, as well as in organizing continuous monitoring and handling of VMS disconnection issues. He emphasized the need for a mechanism to share information promptly and efficiently with relevant agencies and units, ensuring that the information is processed effectively. Suppliers must take greater responsibility in coordinating with management agencies to identify the causes of VMS disconnections and to carry out timely installation, replacement, and repair when incidents occur. From now until the European Commission (EC) inspection team arrives in Vietnam, improvements must be made in handling violations related to VMS disconnections.

Regarding fisheries exploitation, Minister Le Minh Hoan pointed out a new issue that is causing difficulties for many enterprises: the regulation on the minimum allowable length for skipjack tuna, set at 0.5 meters. Although this regulation is based on scientific research to help protect fisheries resources, it is causing significant challenges for export processing enterprises dealing with tuna products. The Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) and tuna processing and exporting enterprises have sent documents to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, requesting adjustments. If timely measures are not taken, enterprises will face raw material shortages and risk losing major markets. Therefore, urgent and appropriate adjustments are necessary, the Minister emphasized.

Van Tho (Hai Dang translated)

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