Soc Trang - Improving Shrimp Seed Quality (21-06-2024)

In 2024, the shrimp farming industry in Soc Trang faces numerous challenges, particularly regarding the quality of shrimp seed. The quality of the seed determines 80% of the success or failure of the farming season.
Soc Trang - Improving Shrimp Seed Quality
Photo: White-leg shrimp seed

Current State of Shrimp Seed Quality

Soc Trang province aims to farm 50,820 hectares of brackish water shrimp, with an expected output of 212,000 tons. However, the progress of seed stocking this year is slower compared to last year due to low seed quality. Many seeds are infected with diseases at the larval stage, such as Translucent Postlarval Disease (TPD) and Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP), resulting in a success rate of only about 40-50%.

A part of the reason for the poor quality of shrimp seed is the lack of strict control and production processes. Despite many businesses importing seeds from reputable facilities, many disease pathogens are still found upon inspection. Mr. Hoang Thanh Vu, Deputy General Director of Sao Ta Foods Joint Stock Company, stated, "The seed is imported from units rated as the best quality in the country, but when inspected, some diseases such as TPD and EHP are still found. This is one of the main reasons for the success rate in farming ponds being only 40-50%." This situation increases production costs, and the selling price of shrimp is not enough to cover costs, leading many businesses to operate minimally.

Solutions to Improve Shrimp Seed Quality

To address this issue, Soc Trang province has implemented various measures to enhance seed quality and farming efficiency. Farmers and businesses are advised to practice staggered stocking, sequentially stocking, and pre-nurturing the seed before stocking to monitor health status and control diseases. The provincial Department of Fisheries has also strengthened inspection and supervision of shrimp seed production and supply facilities to ensure the seed meets quality standards before being released to the market.

Another important measure is establishing a linkage chain from production to consumption, helping reduce input costs for farmers. Sao Ta Foods Joint Stock Company, one of the major enterprises in the shrimp industry, has built a linkage chain to purchase shrimp feed at a lower price, reducing production costs and increasing profits. To minimize disease risks in farmed shrimp, Sao Ta has switched to high-density stocking, shortening the farming period, and harvesting smaller-sized shrimp (around 100 shrimp/kg) instead of larger sizes as before. This method has proven effective for the company and farmers in Vinh Chau town. Meanwhile, small-scale farmers often face difficulties accessing quality feed at reasonable prices, mainly purchasing on credit from suppliers, causing costs to rise to 40,000 - 42,000 VND/kg.

Investment in Infrastructure and Technical Support

Given the common difficulties in the export market, Mr. Tran Van Lau, Chairman of the People's Committee of Soc Trang province, has requested the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to promptly address issues related to seed quality, input costs, and production expenses. He emphasized that water source and seed quality are the two decisive factors for success in aquaculture. If not ensured, it will be challenging to achieve efficiency. Therefore, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development should propose to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to provide support, particularly in selecting quality seeds and intervening with seed production facilities, as directed by the Chairman of the People's Committee of Soc Trang province.

Additionally, the agricultural sector needs to build a linkage chain to help farmers access input materials at reasonable prices and quality. The goal is to solve the issue of "big companies buy at low prices while farmers buy at high prices," ensuring that people benefit from the production process.

Besides improving seed quality, Soc Trang province is also investing heavily in irrigation infrastructure for aquaculture, ensuring clean water supply, reducing pollution, and preventing diseases in farmed shrimp. In 2024, the province has implemented several projects to improve the irrigation system, ensuring sufficient water supply for key shrimp farming areas such as Vinh Chau, My Xuyen, and Nga Nam.

The province is also focusing on enhancing the technical capacity of shrimp farmers. Training classes and workshops sharing advanced shrimp farming techniques are regularly organized, helping farmers apply the latest technical measures in production.

International Cooperation and Technology Transfer

In the face of difficulties, international cooperation and technology transfer have also been promoted. Soc Trang province has signed many memorandums of understanding and cooperation contracts with businesses and international organizations to transfer advanced shrimp seed production technologies, improve seed quality, and production processes.

Projects in cooperation with foreign research institutes and universities have been implemented to research and develop new shrimp varieties with high disease resistance and good adaptation to the environmental conditions in Soc Trang. This not only helps improve seed quality but also enhances productivity and production efficiency.

Improving shrimp seed quality in Soc Trang in 2024 poses many challenges but also opens opportunities to enhance and increase production efficiency. Controlling seed quality, applying new farming models, building linkage chains, and seeking new markets are practical solutions for the sustainable development of Soc Trang's shrimp industry in the future. With the efforts of all levels of government, businesses, and farmers, Soc Trang's shrimp industry can overcome difficult times and achieve new successes in the coming period.

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