Solutions to develop sustainable lobster farming (14-11-2022)

The South Central provinces are considered the “capital” of lobster farming in cages, in which the most concentrated farming is in the two provinces of Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa. In recent years, lobster farming in these two provinces has become a key local aquaculture object and a spearhead economic sector, contributing greatly to socio-economic development, creating stable jobs and increasing local economic growth, while ameliorating income for the majority of people in the province.
Solutions to develop sustainable lobster farming

In Phu Yen province in 2021, harvested lobster output reached 1,500 tons. In 2022, according to Phu Yen Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the whole province stocked 96,114 lobster cages, of which Song Cau town 64,985 cages, Tuy An district 14,650 cages, Dong Hoa district 16,479 cages.

In Khanh Hoa province, the total number of cages for lobster farming in the province is about 64,500 cages, with an output of over 1,300 tons.

However, it is worth mentioning that lobster farming in the provinces currently has many challenges such as the management of seed, feed, and management of farming areas. In particular, lobster farming households always face many risks and challenges when there are natural disasters, epidemics, polluted farming environment, lobster consumption depends on small-scale exports.

Faced with the above shortcomings and limitations, the Directorate of Fisheries has proposed a number of solutions for localities in developing sustainable lobster farming.

Accordingly, in terms of production organization and management, localities need to review and adjust lobster production development plans (seed production areas, commercial farming areas) to include in the planning of land and water surface use according to the law. Along with that, granting marine aquaculture permits and certifying registration of cage farming in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Fisheries 2017.

 It is necessary to reorganise lobster farming along the value chain; build a model of linking small production establishments into cooperative groups, cooperatives, professional associations associated with enterprises to provide input materials and consuming products. Besides, the sector also have to promote the establishment of an association of Vietnamese lobster farmers, processors and exporters; inspect and supervise production activities such as: conditions of farming establishments; production and supply of breeds; feed; drugs, chemicals; environmental remediation products and materials for shrimp farming.

At the same time, strictly manage the exploitation of natural lobster seed resources; promulgate regulations on the size, harvest season of wild-caught lobsters. Propaganda information to raise people's awareness about the protection of wild lobster seed resources. Applying information technology to establish a database on lobster production and export.

In the field of science, technology and extension, it is necessary to cooperate with countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and Japan to conduct research to actively produce artificial spawn of tropical rock lobsters (Panulirus ornatus) and Scalloped spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus). At the same time, focus on researching and perfecting the technological process of onshore lobster farming using a circulating water filtration system and industrial feed.

Continue to research and perfect the lobster farming process in several stages in order to improve productivity, increase survival rate, reduce feed utilization ratio, reduce risk of disease, and limit the impact of environmental pollution and improve economic efficiency for farmers. Research and test a model of lobster farming with high-tech application in offshore and open seas using new materials (copper alloy nets, HDPE cage frames,...).

Researching and perfecting the technological process and production line of mixed feed on an industrial scale, in order to reduce the feed utilization coefficient, reduce costs, increase resistance, and improve the growth rate and survival rate during rearing; and limit environmental pollution. Training, and transferring technical advances, replicating advanced lobster farming models to lobster farming facilities in order to improve productivity, product quality and sustainable development.

Regarding disease prevention and adaptation to climate change, it is necessary to focus on researching and proposing effective disease prevention and control measures on farmed lobsters, especially common diseases such as milky diseases, black gills diseases, white spots diseases, etc. Strengthen the management of environment and disease according to regulations; develop and implement automatic environmental monitoring and warning systems in concentrated and key farming areas; timely warnings to respond to climate change.

Training and propaganda to raise awareness and responsibility of law enforcement of lobster farmers on regulations on disease prevention, technical process of farming, natural disaster prevention, etc., at the same time, strengthen inspection , strictly handle violations.

Local authorities develop and promulgate regulations on collection and treatment of waste in lobster farming areas; implement the management of collection and treatment of waste from lobster farming. For the domestic consumption and export of lobster, it is advisable to build a service system for transporting, preserving and consuming live lobster products in the domestic market.

For the State’s duties, it should support in trade promotion to expand the market for lobster products in foreign countries, as well as organize negotiations and remove barriers and obstacles in importing lobster seed from other countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Srilanka, Singapore, etc.

Attracting units to participate in building and expanding the distribution system of live lobsters, including points of purchase and storage in concentrated farming areas; transshipment points before distribution to create clean shrimp products, ensure quality and traceability.

Continuing to apply technological solutions in processing and preservation, especially investing in processing value-added products, preserving and transporting live lobsters in order to diversify products, improve quality and competitiveness of Vietnamese lobster products.

Huong Tra (source:

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