Trainings on inspection of eligibility requirements for production établishments in the fisheries sector (August 25, 2020) (01-09-2020)
The Directorate of Fisheries (D-Fish) organized training courses on "Expertise in ínpecting eligibility requirements for establishments of production. raising of aquatic breeds; taking samples of aquafeed, aquaculture environment treatment products ” in 3 provinces of Quang Ninh, Khanh Hoa and Ben Tre. This training courses were aimed at effectively implementing the Circular 26/2018/TT-BNNPTNT dated November 15, 2018, regulating management of aquatic breeds, aquatic feeds and aqua environmental treatment products, and strengthening capability for management staff from local agencies.
Attending the training courses were more than 140 officials and staffs from agencies under the Department of Agriculture and rural Development (DARD), the Agriculture Divisions of some districts in three above provinces. A p art from them, there were staffs from the Aquaculture Verification and Analysis Centers under D-Fish.
At training sessions, lecturers from the Directorate of Fisheries provided local fisheries management officers with knowledge related to the implementation of the provisions of the Fisheries Law, Decree 26/2019/NĐ-CP dated March 8, 2019 prescribing regulations on a number of articles in dealtial and measures to implement the Fisheries Law and the Circular 26/2018/TT-BNNPTNT dated November 15, 2018, of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development; They instructed participants with regulations on management and profession of inspection of eligibility requirements for aquatic breed production and rearing establishments; aquafeed production establishments, aquaculture environment treatment products. During the trains, the participants were instructed for using a software of management of eligibility requirements of for production establishments, aquafeed, and aquaculture environment treatment products, for implementing regulations related to Viet Nam Regulation of aquafeed, aquaculture environment treatment products just issued in 2019 and 2020. They were also provided with regulatory guidance related to sampling of aquafeed and products for aquaculture environment treatment, to inspection of technical standards and regulations on safety for samplers, to sampling methods, sample preservation and sampling practice.
In addition, trainees were answered by lecturers to many questions related to requirements, quality and inspection operations those will help officials who directly perform in the locality to understand and comply with regulations. Through the training courses, the trainees took a change of requested the Directorate of Fisheries to update the full information of products that have been issued with codes before July 1, 2020 on the website of the Directorate of Fisheries for looking up and tracing the origin of products circulated on the market. The Directorate of Fisheries should organize to guide inspection and grant of certificates to aquatic breed raising establishments.
Nhật Anh